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BESPOKE PROJECT Photo integration

Lisa Mouchet for Bien Fait

Bien Fait has asked young French artist, story writer and pastel prodigy Lisa Mouchet, to imagine a new panoramic decor. For this motionless journey, Lisa and Bien fait take us to an enchanting somewhere, a cabin by a peaceful lake, like an open window to a dreamlike scenery, calm and serene.

Available in custom and standard sizes:

Single strip W.120 x H 280 cm
Small : W.180 x H.280 cm / W 70,8 x H 110,2 inches (3 strips)
Medium : W.240 x H.280 cm / W.94,4 x H.110,2 inches (4 strips)
Large: W.360 x H.280 cm / W.141,7 x H.110,2 inches (6 strips)



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Estimated amount: 678 €.

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