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Carla Talopp, for Bien Fait

Carla Talopp’s pictorial corpus is a celebration of the power and beauty of life, reflecting a feminine and lively nature. At the request of Bien Fait, the artist lays on the canvas a veritable bouquet of lives: the panoramic unites the elements - foliage, feathers or even cells - in the same and flamboyant dance, and prints its sheer force on the walls without fear of excess.

For this panoramic, our studio can make a custom visual. Please contact us.

Also sold in these standard formats, not connectable to each other
- Single strip W.120 x H 280 cm
- Small West (left side): W.180 x H.280 cm (3 strips of 60cm x H.280cm)
- Small East (right side): W.180 x H.280 cm (3 strips of 60cm x H.280cm).
- Large: W.360 x H.280 cm (6 strips of 60cm x H.280cm).


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Estimated amount: 678 €.

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