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Coromandel Indigo


Coromandel Indigo

An Asia-inspired, luxury wall covering created by designer Frédéric Bonnin. Available in gold and black, it is reminiscent of the lacquered folding screens so dear to Gabrielle Chanel.

This wallpaper is sold made-to-measure and in packs of standard formats that cannot be joined together
- Single strip W.120 x H 280 cm
-Small : W. 94,4 x H.110,2 inches (4 strips of 23,6 x 110,2 inches)
- Large : W.141,7 x H.110,2 inches (6 strips of 23,6 x 110,2 inches).

Maximum custom-made dimensions on site: W.3.50m x H.4m.
For larger dimensions, our team will take charge of your project.

Coromandel Indigo

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Coromandel Indigo

Estimated amount: 678 €.

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