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Francis Hallé


Francis Hallé

Fascinated by the essential beauty and otherness of trees, eminent French botanist Francis Hallé has devoted his entire life to the study of these living beings while advocating for their recognition.

Halfway between art and science, this hand drawn forest profile, is the result of studying a primary forest in French Guiana.

Completely unique in its kind, it invites the consciousness on a great journey into the heart of a friendly forest.


Available in the following standard formats (not interconnectable)
Single strip W.120 x H 280 cm
Small : W.180 x H.280 cm / W 70,8 x H 110,2 inches (3 strips)
Width: W.360 x H.280 cm / W.141,7 x H 110,2 inches (6 strips)

Francis Hallé

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Francis Hallé

Estimated amount: 678 €.

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